Serial Dilution Advantages

Serial dilution has many advantages: the materials necessary are typically already present in the lab and require no special engineering. Conditions can be adjusted as the experiment progresses (e.g., drug concentrations increased as drug resistance improves). Selection pressures of a. The serial dilution method involves a stepwise dilution of a substance in solution. Generally the dilution factor at each step is constant. It helps to reduce a dense culture of cells to a more usable concentration. A specific amount of bacteria are reduced with every dilution. Original solution. The advantage behind conducting a serial dilution is that there are fewer critical errors. However, the disadvantage behind conducting a serial dilution is that the range of solutions that is possible to be made is much less. One useful equation that is employed that relates the molarity and the volume is the following: M 1 V 1 = M 2 V 2 1. Nov 14, 2017  The serial dilution method involves a stepwise dilution of a substance in solution. Generally the dilution factor at each step is constant. It helps to reduce a dense culture of cells to a more usable concentration. A specific amount of bacteria are reduced with every dilution.

  1. Serial Dilution Method Advantages
  2. Serial Dilution Procedure

The Advantages of Serial Dilution Errors. Making multiple calibration standards for your lab equipment means measuring out. Easier and Faster Preparation of Calibration Standards. Calibrations Solutions More Evenly Spaced. Greater Variability in Calibration Range. The dilution factor chosen for. Feb 04, 2009  Best Answer: It lets you get an accurate plate count and therefore determine concentration of bacteria per mL. As the dilutions progress, you will reach a point where a reasonable number of colonies can be counted and multiplied by the dilution factor to get concentration.

A serial dilution is the stepwise dilution of a substance in solution. Usually the dilution factor at each step is constant, resulting in a geometric progression of the concentration in a logarithmic fashion. A ten-fold serial dilution could be 1 M, 0.1 M, 0.01 M, 0.001 M ... Serial dilutions are used to accurately create highly diluted solutions as well as solutions for experiments resulting in concentration curves with a logarithmic scale. A tenfold dilution for each step is called a logarithmic dilution or log-dilution, a 3.16-fold (100.5-fold) dilution is called a half-logarithmic dilution or half-log dilution, and a 1.78-fold (100.25-fold) dilution is called a quarter-logarithmic dilution or quarter-log dilution. Serial dilutions are widely used in experimental sciences, including biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, and physics.

In biology and medicine[edit]

In biology and medicine, besides the more conventional uses described above, serial dilution may also be used to reduce the concentration of microscopic organisms or cells in a sample. As, for instance, the number and size of bacterial colonies that grow on an agar plate in a given time is concentration-dependent, and since many other diagnostic techniques involve physically counting the number of micro-organisms or cells on specials printed with grids (for comparing concentrations of two organisms or cell types in the sample) or wells of a given volume (for absolute concentrations), dilution can be useful for getting more manageable results.[1] Serial dilution is also a cheaper and simpler method for preparing cultures from a single cell than optical tweezers and micromanipulators.[2]

In homeopathy[edit]

Serial dilution is one of the core foundational practices of homeopathy, with 'succussion', or shaking, occurring between each dilution. In homeopathy, serial dilutions (called potentisation) are often taken so far that by the time the last dilution is completed, no molecules of the original substance are likely to remain.[3][4]

See also[edit]


  1. ^K. R. Aneja. Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology and Biotechnology. New Age Publishers, 2005, p. 69. ISBN81-224-1494-X
  2. ^Booth, C.; et al. (2006). Extremophiles. Methods in microbiology 35. Academic Press. p. 543. ISBN978-0-12-521536-7.
  3. ^Weissmann, Gerald (2006). 'Homeopathy: Holmes, Hogwarts, and the Prince of Wales'. The FASEB Journal. 20 (11): 1755–1758. doi:10.1096/fj.06-0901ufm. PMID16940145. Retrieved 2008-02-01.
  4. ^Ernst, Edzard (November 2005). 'Is homeopathy a clinically valuable approach?'. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 26 (11): 547–548. CiteSeerX10.1.1.385.5505. doi:10.1016/ PMID16165225.

Serial Dilution Method Advantages

  • Michael L. Bishop, Edward P. Fody, Larry E. Schoeff. Clinical Chemistry: Principles, Procedures, Correlations. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004, p. 24. ISBN0-7817-4611-6.

External links[edit]

  • How to Make Simple Solutions and Dilutions, Bates College
Retrieved from ''

the total count includes dead as well as living cells

What is the differences between a streak plate technique and a serial dilution technique?

what is serial dilution and spread plate technique

What are the advantages of dilution plate method?

serial dilution can give the relation b/w the consenteration and the growth of bacteria

Why doing serial dilution?

Serial dilutions allow you to obtain different concentrations of the same organism.

Serial Dilution Procedure

What is the purpose of serial dilution?

A common design for estimating the concentrations of compounds in biological samples is the serial dilution assay, in which measurements are taken at several different dilutions of a sample, giving several opportunities for an accurate measurement. Curren tly, serial dilution is a standard tool in the fields of toxicology and immunology. Serial dilution helps to choose a dilution which is relevant to our experiment. Often the standard which is given to you in the lab…

What tests determine an unknown bacteria?

What is serial dilution?

Serial dilution is usually 1/10 dilution. Therefore after a series of dilutions, you have a logarithmic curve of concentration (log10). Basically, if diluting 1/10 and starting off with 1 molar solution, first dilution = 0.1M, 2nd = 0.01M, 3rd = 0.001M. If making a 0.001M solution involved weighing out 0.005g of a salt for example, the error in making this solution out would be very large in comparison to weighing out 5g (1M) and diluting…

Use of test tube?

In microbiology it is mainly used for either serial dilution and for slant prepration for culturing microbes

How can you prepare solution 0.2 ppm from 1000 ppm?

dilute it 1 in 5000. likely best done with a serial or step dilution

Advantages and disadvantages of preference share?

Some of the advantages of the preference share is the absence of the fixed regular income and less capital loses. Some of the disadvantages includes the dilution of claim over assets and the high rate of dividends.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a serial port?

the speed of serial ports are slow. but we can send data on long distances as serial cable have low cost.

Disadvantage of venture capital?

There may be several disadvantages of venture capital; however, a disadvantage to one entrepreneur may be an advantage to another entrepreneur. Focusing however on disadvantages of venture capital: (i) dilution of ownership, (ii) dilution in control, (iii) necessity of having representatives of the venture capital participate in corporate governance, (iv) increased risk of venture capital take over of the business.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of parallel and serial communication?

Serial Data Transmission Parallel Data transmission Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages Used over long distances Slower to send data Faster than serial Not reliable over long distance Reduces requirement of wiring Data may arrive at different times

Definition of dilution and dilution factor?

As I understand it, the dilution refers to the dilution ratio. If you add 1 part of something to 4 parts of something else, the dilution ratio is 1 to 4. The dilution factor counts all the parts and expresses the same thing as 1 out of 5.

How do you prepare 1 is to 100 dilution in small volume?

Your best bet is a serial dilution, i.e. get 2 10ml volumetric flasks and take 1ml of your solution to be diluted, and make to 10ml with solvent, mix this, then take 1ml of the resulting 10mls and dilute that to 10ml. 2x 10 times dilutions is 100x dilution. Alternatively if you have less to start with, use micro pipettes

What is the effect of dilution on viscosity of oil?

dilution will reduce the viscosity The effect of dilution on viscosity of oil is that it will decrease.